Homepage Hans Leibbrandt

Leibbrandt Genealogical tree, World-wide, 1110 KB
The South African Leibbrandt Family Tree, by Douglas Paul Leibbrandt, October 2003, 250 KB
Interactive South African Leibbrandt Family Tree, by Peter Allan Leibbrandt
Leibbrand Genealogie, von Dipl.-Ing. Walter Leibbrand, 430 KB

Leibbrandt Genealogy Archive

Foto's 1880-1940 Leibbrandt familie, deel 1, Amsterdamse tak III
Foto's 1880-1940 Leibbrandt familie, deel 2, Amsterdamse tak III (in high resolution)
Looking for Leib(b)rand(t) roots in Württemberg 2004
Auszug aus den Familienregistern Ilsfeld, W.G. Weinland. Pfarrer Ilsfeld, 05.07.1938
Leibbrandt genealogy in the third Reich: Dr. Römer, 20.07.1943
Dipl.-Ing. Walter Leibbrand's umfangreiche Genealogie: 27.05.2001
Photo's + Al die BOEKE waarin oor Robey Leibbrandt geskryf is.
Maps of Württemberg (Swabia Germany), origins of the Leibbrandt family
The genealogy pages of William Maxfield Harris Sr, 1936 - 2005


Genealogie Familie Bovenkerk
Genealogie Familie Donner
Parenteel van Tyde JANS
Herman Leibbrand's Manor House in Chaniers near Saintes, France
Found: Collaborative paintings by Vincent van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec made 1886 in Paris
Juul Neumann (1919-1997) Paintings

External links:
Interactive South African Leibbrandt Family Tree, by Peter Allan Leibbrandt, 2008
200 Years in Texas. Dedicated to William M Maxfield who went to Texas in 1837 and the Related Families that Established Roots in Texas in the late 1800’s by John Lang.
Genealogie Familie Friesen
Genealogie Casper Boelen (Familie Pieterse)
Arms of the Kingdom of Württemberg (1817-1922)
Dutch Royal House
Mad monarchs
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